In this FREE workshop learn how to:
This 45-minute training is for you if:
Afraid you'll end up alone?
I've coached hundreds of women who were scared they'd always be alone if they let go of their relationship. Logically they knew it wasn't true but kept living their life in fear. If you're ready to paint a different picture of who you are then this training is for you.
"Michelle's workshop is excellent. She truly understands co-dependence and our propensity to lose our authentic selves. Moreover, she delineates tools to reverse our learned survival skills to blossom and return to our authentic selves. It's well worth our investment to uncover our original true selves.~ Maxine
"Michelle's workshop was very informative. I learned a lot about what codependency is and that the most important thing I need to do is to prioritize myself and my own needs instead of looking outside for validation." ~ Laura
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