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Stay Calm, Stay Connected

Simple Strategies for Improving Communication and Resolving Relationship Issues

You're in the right place if you ...

Relationship course for couples
  • Want to create relationships that work.
  • Long to stay connected in a healthier way.
  • Are ready to stop having the same arguments.
  • Want to learn how to set healthy boundaries.
  • Need the confidence to navigate conflict.

You're in the right place if you ...

Relationship course for couples
  • Want to create relationships that work.
  • Long to stay connected in a healthier way.
  • Are ready to stop having the same arguments.
  • Want to learn how to set healthy boundaries.
  • Need the confidence to navigate conflict.

What if you could resolve conflicts AND stay connected to your loved ones?


You're in the right place if you...

Angry couple fighting
  • Want to create relationships that work for you.
  • Long to stay connected instead of feeling alone.
  • Are ready to stop having the same arguments.
  • Want to learn how to set healthy boundaries.
  • Need to stop avoiding conflict with your partner.

Imagine you can...

Making amends

Communicate with confidence.

Stay calm during conflict.

Couples happy

Feel confident in repairing relationships.

Relationship and communication skills

Become a great, compassionate listener.

Making amends

Communicate with confidence.

Stay calm during conflict.

Couples happy

Feel confident in repairing relationships.

Relationship and communication skills

Become a great, compassionate listener.


Stay Calm, Stay Connected Online Workshop

Relationship and communication course

This course includes a 50 minute video training and detailed workbook.

Price: $49


What others are saying...

"Michelle's webinars are a fantastic resource; I’m confident recommending them to clients and friends because I know the quality is beyond compare. Michelle provides a combination of support, education, and practical tips that you can start using today! And Michelle is such a warm and compassionate therapist who tackles difficult issues with grace and integrity." ~ Sharon Martin, psychotherapist and codependency expert.

"Michelle gives many practical tips and useful tips and reminders about successfully nagivating relationships. She has a smooth and effective presentation style. I would encourage couples to attend!"  ~ Stan K.

In this workshop you will learn...

  • Tips for practicing self-care and staying centered
  • How to minimize unnecessary arguments
  • Effective strategies for staying calm and managing anger
  • Simple tools to deepen your communication and show empathy
  • How to start setting healthy boundaries

Meet Michelle!

Michelle Farris
Licensed Psychotherapist

Hey there! I'm so glad you're here. I believe in walking my talk and showing you what it takes to navigate conflict with confidence. I'm a psychotherapist and anger management specialist in San Jose, California.

And I love all things personal growth and anything Starbucks!

Counseling for codependency

What is an online course?

  • This course includes a video, detailed handbook.
  • Once you sign up, I'll send you instructions by email.
  • The course is on my website with a password protected page.
Anger class at home

Do you have any questions?

  • "If my partner won't change, why should I have to?" - By changing your behavior, you change the dynamics in the relationship. Even with difficult people, when one person sets a positive tone, it does make a difference.
  • "How does an online workshop work?" - This class was pre-recorded. My slides are in Keynote (just like Power Point). You'll be able to see me teaching the whole time. 
  • "I'm not techie, what if I have trouble accessing the workshop?" - Don't worry, I'll send you the instructions by email. You'll get a password and a link to the course page on my website. If you get stuck, I'm here to help!

Price: $49