Discover how to control anger so you can save your relationship and respect yourself again.

Control your anger so you can save your relationship and respect yourself again.

anger management class

Do you struggle with...

  • Controlling your reactions ?
  • Setting healthy boundaries?
  • Getting defensive?
  • Stuffing your feelings ?
  • Not knowing how to fix it?

If you are ready to learn how to stay calm and stop letting your emotions get the best of you, grab my Calming Anger Masterclass today!

Does this sound familiar?

  • I'm so angry most of the time and I can't stop it. My relationship is in real trouble because of my outbursts. The affection and respect are nearly gone. I don't want to lose my family.
  • I've tried therapy but it didn't help. I don't have time to dive into my childhood. I need practical tools. My family needs me to be better and I need help now.
anger management class
codependency course

  • I'm not a violent person but I know my anger is a problem. I've yelled at my kids and feel awful afterwards. My dad was a yeller and I vowed never to be like him.
  • As a professional, I can't keep snapping at my colleagues. I'm really successful at work but my attitude is impacting my life and my relationships in a negative way. My moods are being affected and I'm sick of it.

Does this sound familiar?

  • I'm so angry most of the time and I can't stop it. My partner is threatening to leave because of my outbursts. I don't think I'm that angry but it comes out anyway. I don't want to lose my family.
  • I'm not a violent person but I know my anger is a problem. I've yelled at my kids and feel really bad afterwards. My dad was a yeller and I vowed never to be like him.  
anger management class
  • I've tried therapy but it didn't help. I need practical tools not diving into my childhood. I don't have that kind of time to wait. I need help now.
  • As a professional, I can't keep snapping at my colleagues. I'm really successful at work but my attitude is impacting my life in a negative way. My moods are affected too and that bothers me.
codependency course

If anger getting in the way, you're in the right place.

Does this apply to you?

  • Your partner is tired of your outbursts and seems ready to leave
  • Your partner doesn't want to drive with you because you lose it
  • You can't afford to replace another smashed cell phone
  • You stuff your anger but eventually explode and feel awful afterwards
  • Your partner has told you that your kids are scared of you
  • As a young child, you were labeled a "hothead"
  • Family and friends are embarrassed to go certain places with you
  • You no longer feel confident within yourself

Managing emotions is tough and with all the added stress and responsibility, it's hard to stay calm.

If you're like most of my clients before they started working with me, you're probably worried that you'll never get control of your anger. Maybe you've tried listening to podcasts or even going to therapy but you didn't get the tools you needed to fix your problem. Let's face it, you need simple concepts that will help you change TODAY rather than spending time that you don't have on childhood issues.

Most people think it will take years in therapy to learn how to manage emotions but that's simply not true. The real reason you haven't gotten the results you've wanted is because you haven't found the person to show you exactly how to identify and control your emotions before they cause trouble in your relationships.

Believe it or not, anger is a gift that tells you something isn't right within you or in your environment. You don't have to do this alone. Let me help you get control of your anger once and for all.


Calming Anger Masterclass

anger management class

This is a 70 minute pre-recorded masterclass with e-workbook.


Here you will learn...


Simple strategies to decrease stress & anger

Writing and learning

Identify & heal

relationship triggers

Couples happy

Communicate and listen without blaming


anger management class

Get instant access to the video training

anger management class

Get powerful journal prompts for added growth

  • Quickly identify and address the early warning signs of anger.
  • Start setting boundaries and practice self-care to decrease anger.
  • Finally manage your emotions with confidence.
  • Save your relationship with your partner and children.
  • Get the love back as you restore trust with your partner.


anger management class

Get instant access to the video training to watch at your own pace

anger management class

Grab my powerful journal prompts that follow the presentation for added growth

Plus...get my Special Bonus

Healing Triggers E-Journal!

emotional triggers e-journal

A self paced e-journal

emotional triggers journal

Video for added support

But you've been working on getting control of your reactions, right? 

With everything that's been happening, it makes sense that you're more frustrated than ever. The demands of home and work life, plus what's happening in the world has understandably created more stress.

Maybe you can't seem to control your emotions like you once did. You can't stop yelling at your kids or snapping at your partner without meaning to do that.

You've looked online but all you find are groups related to domestic violence and that's not you. Reading a book isn't cutting it. You need someone to walk you through it.

Maybe you've even tried therapy, but you didn't get the skills you needed to manage emotions effectively. Finding the right help has become a frustrating process and you don't have the time to keep looking. 

This is why most people who need help managing anger and frustration don't get the results they are looking for.

Without a clear, step by step plan, it's easy to give up.

You're not alone. It's easy to get discouraged when you can't find the support you need.

Here is how I can help:

I get it, you're busy. You have a family, kids in school and a job to maintain. Or, you just can't seem to sustain a relationship because your anger keeps getting in the way. You need some peace of mind and you just can't seem to get it. It's seem like it's been one thing after another (which let's face it - it has)!

You can get the tools you need without leaving your house!

In just 70 minutes, you will learn simple strategies to stay calm, take better care of yourself and communicate respectfully. These are SIMPLE tools you will be able to start immediately. My students report progress very quickly!

It's not too late to get help!

You will learn how to get control of your anger and enjoy life again. You just need the right tools.

Here's what my students are saying...

Michelle's a true expert on understanding and managing anger. The anger course she so amazingly created not only helped me find my true anger triggers, but also helped me find self-compassion for my healing journey. I now have so much confidence for managing my anger. I highly recommend Michelle and her anger management course for anyone who is serious about healing and growing! 

~ Mercedes Samudio (Irvine, CA)

"The anger workshop was simply awesome!  The content and information was useful and something I can use in my everyday life and Michelle presented it simply and with great sensitivity. I felt very comfortable sharing this somewhat shameful and dark part of myself.  I would recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to know more about the anger or someone close to them." 

- LouAnn (San Jose, CA)

Proven strategies. Real life results.

In Calming Anger I have been able to change my behaviors that led to tangible changes in my attitudes, my beliefs, and my relationships- not just personally but also professionally, and more importantly, with myself. "

~ Robert (San Jose, CA)

"Calming Anger was life changing. Her coping strategies and techniques has helped me through one of the most challenging times in my life. She is compassionate, non judgmental and truly cares. I highly recommend her program to anyone who is struggling with anger."

- Monica (Columbus, OH)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get started now?

Great question! After signing up you will get access immediately to my Healing Emotional Triggers E-journal. Having a place to heal your hurts without judgment is the first step!

What if I'm not good with technology?

Welcome to the club! Thankfully, all you need is to open an email and click the link. I provide simple instructions to download the e-workbooks to your computer just in case you haven't done so already.

What if I need more support but can't afford one on one therapy?

I offer a four week Zoom class for those who want more in depth support. You can get on the wait list for my next Calming Anger Zoom class.

Is there a lower cost option?
Yes, I offer them on a case by case basis. Please email me directly to find out more.

What if I want a refund?

While I don't offer refunds, if you are having any difficulties with the material, getting your questions answered by email is something I'm happy to offer.

Meet Your Instructor

The founder of Counseling Recovery, Michelle is a licensed marriage and family therapist and anger management specialist in San Jose, California. She's been teaching these skills and creating online programs for several years with great results. Clients say her tools are simple and easy to implement quickly.


To sign up, click the button below for details.

anger management class

See what other therapists are saying...

Michelle teaches about how to express anger effectively in such a wonderful way. I love how she reminded me "If you can't listen, you can't talk." I highly recommend this webinar. My husband and I both learned and benefited from her teaching." 

~ Kate (Auburn, CA), LMFT

"I really enjoyed Calming Anger and found the information very well organized and engaging. She has a way of empathizing with anger that makes the class very approachable and helpful. I will definitely be using some of the wisdom I garnered in the class with my own clients."

- Lara (San Jose, CA), LMFT

Common concerns answered...

  • "I don't have the time." - You don't even have to leave your house! Don't wait...the longer you wait, the worse anger gets over time.
  • "I can't afford it." - That's exactly why I created this class. Doing this kind of work in therapy is expensive. This masterclass is cheaper than going out to dinner!
  • "I'm not a violent person." - While I have worked with people who struggle with abusive anger, my students are hard-working people with no history of violence. They just want to get control of their emotions.
  • "If my partner won't change, why should I have to?" - Don't underestimate the power of what you contribute! Even with the most difficult people, when one person sets a more positive tone, it makes a difference.  
  • "An online class won't work." - Because these class is pre-recorded, there is plenty of time to practice these strategies. Learning relationship skills is like being in school - all you need is the right instructor and easy to implement materials.